133 research outputs found

    Implementation of the national clinical protocol for solving the problems of primary open-angle glaucoma in adults

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    Background. Glaucoma is the leading cause of irreversible and the second leading cause of preventable blindness worldwide. Its prevalence, in people over the age of 40, is about 2-3%, and in those over 80 - 14%. Glaucoma is a pathology characterized by progressive and irreversible atrophy of the optic nerve and gradually affects the visual field, often causing blindness. Increased IOP is a major risk factor, which worsen the evolution of diseases. The diagnosis is based on ophthalmological examination and instrumental investigations such as: OCT of the optic nerve and macula, perimetery, pachymetry. Conservative treatment of glaucoma starts with eye drops in order to achieve target IOP, improve blood supply to the eyeball and maintain visual function. Laser treatment is indicated when eye drops are inefficient. Surgical treatment is initiated if first two fail. Trabeculectomy, Trabeculotomy, Deep Sclerectomy, Viscocanalostomy and Canaloplasty may be done. In order to diagnose and treat patients with primary glaucoma was created a national clinical management protocol. It includes all necessary steps and algorithms, criteria and advices to provide high quality medical services and has a targeted circle of users. Conclusions. This protocol aims to early detection of primary glaucoma in adults, reducing its negative impact on vision, initiation of treatment as soon as possible and supervision of patients, all to avoid disability and improve patient’s quality of life. It should be used by ophtalmologists, optometrists, family doctors and their nurses

    Lidar Calibration Centre

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    This paper presents the newly established Lidar Calibration Centre, a distributed infrastructure in Europe, whose goal is to offer services for complete characterization and calibration of lidars and ceilometers. Mobile reference lidars, laboratories for testing and characterization of optics and electronics, facilities for inspection and debugging of instruments, as well as for training in good practices are open to users from the scientific community, operational services and private sector. The Lidar Calibration Centre offers support for trans-national access through the EC HORIZON2020 project ACTRIS-2

    Perspectivele tratamentului cu ozonoterapie al pacienţilor vârstnici

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    Studiul a fost axat pe studierea a 40 de pacienţi cu angor pectoral stabil, dintre care 28 de bărbaţi şi 12 femei, cu vârstă cuprinsă între 61 şi 70 de ani (în medie – 65,6±4,4 ani), observaţi pe parcursul a 5 ani de la debutul maladiei şi spitalizaţi în IMSP SCMS. S-au studiat particularităţile clinico-evolutive şi ale tolerabilităţii ozonoterapiei cu ajutorul probelor veloergometrice la bolnavii cu CPI, cu angor pectoral stabil din grupul pacienţilor vârstnici. A fost demonstrat că administrarea tratamentului combinat cu ozonoterapie la bolnavii cu CPI induce obţinerea efectului clinic pozitiv stabil, cu majorarea efi cacităţii tratamentului cu preparate antianginale, prin creşterea toleranţei la efort fizic, diminuarea frecvenţei acceselor anginale şi, ca urmare, micşorarea numărului de comprimate de nitroglicerină administrate

    Optimizing treatment of patients with chronic heart failure by administering medicinal remedies, losartan, lisinopril and their combination

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    Clinica Medicală nr.6 Disciplina Boli ocupaţionaleWas studied the effect of the drugs losartan, enalapril and their combination on the hemodynamics and morphofunctional parameters of the heart in 80 patients with chronic heart failure of II-IV functional class and the ejection fraction of the left ventricle less then 45% which worsened the ischemic cardiopathia. It was established that after a 12-week therapy with each drug and their combination, there was a decrease of the symptomatic in every group, but more in the group which followed the combined therapy and it had a better impact on the parameters of the myocardium remodeling then these drugs taken a part. La 80 de pacienţi cu insuficienţă cardiacă cronică clasă funcţională II-IV şi fracţia de ejecţie (FE) 45%, agravaţi prin cardiopatie ischemică s-a studiat eficacitatea remediilorlosartanului, enalaprilului şi a combinării lor asupra hemodinamicii şi parametrilor morfofuncţionali ai cordului. S-a constatat o dinamică pozitivă după 12 săptămâni de tratament, la toţi pacienţii a diminuat simptomatica ICC, însă mai evident în lotul care a administrat terapia combinată şi s-a estimat un efect mai benefic ai indicilor remodelării miocardice vizavi de administrarea remediilor separat

    The effectivness of ozontherapy in the treatment of duodenal ulcer in elderly patients

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    Catedra Medicina Internă nr.6 Spitalul Clinic al Ministerului Sănătăţii al RMDuodenal ulcer represents an actual problem in the Republic of Moldova at the social, economic and medical level. The study includs 50 elder patients with duodenal ulcer, who were examined during onset and decline of the disease and during the treatment with ozone. The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical, biochemical and immune peculiarities in patients who received standard triple scheme of treatment comparison with ozonotherapy. Maladia ulceroasă este o problemă actuală în Republica Moldova, cu impact social, economic şi medical. În studiu au fost incluşi 50 de bolnavi vârstnici cu ulcer duodenal, ce au fost investigaţi în perioada de debut şi declin al maladiei, şi pe fond de tratament cu ozonoterapie. Au fost cercetate particularităţile clinice, biochimice şi imune ale evoluţiei pacientului cu ulcer duodenal, ce au urmat tratament tradiţional comparativ cu bolnavii ce li s-au administrat ozonoterapie

    Recent trends in diagnosis and treatment of Barrett's esophagus

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    SCR, Catedra Chirurgie FEC MF, USMF “Nicolae Testemiţanu”Barrett's esophagus (BE) and adenocarcinoma of the esophagus represent an actual problem for population health in Oriental Countries. The rate of adenocarcinoma of the esophagus (AE) and esophago-gastric junction has been increased in recent years. At present, surgeons have 38 indicated a favourable answer to Barrett’s esophagus as well as to cancer prevention of esophago-gastric junction by surgical treatment of reflux in comparison with antacid therapy. Although, it is a subject of much controversy that leads to resection of mucous membrane by different chemical, thermal and ultrasounds methods. As experience has shown our hospital has a sufficient number of patients who were diagnosed and operated for Barrett’s esophagus. I think it is necessary to present these facts from a medical point of view. Esofagul Barrett (EB) şi adenocarcinomul esofagian reprezintă o problemă de sănătate publică de mare actualitate în ţările occidentale unde prevalenţa adenocarcinomului esofagian (AE) şi de joncţiune esogastrică a crescut dramatic, fapt ce atrage interesul practicanţilor din diverse specialităţi. Actualmente, chirurgii au semnalat raspunsul favorabil al leziunilor EB, precum şi profilaxia cancerului de joncţiune esofagogastrică după tratamentul chirurgical al refluxului, comparativ cu terapia antiacidă continuă. Însă acest fapt ramîne înca un subiect de controverse ceea ce a dus la direcţionarea eforturilor către rezecţia mucoasei de tip Barrett prin diverse tehnici chimice, termice sau cu ultrasunete. În experienţa clinicii noastre dispunem de un numãr de pacienţi diagnosticaţi şi operaţi pentru EB. Am considerat necesar de a prezenta aceste date opiniei medicale

    Отравление пестицидами и профессиональные заболевания у работников в Республике Молдова

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    Centrul Naţional de Sănătate Publică, Clinica medicală nr. 6, Disciplina Boli Ocupaţionale, IMSP Spitalul Clinic Republican, Conferinţa știinţifico-practică naţională cu participare internaţională Sănătatea ocupaţională: probleme și realizări prima ediţie 5-7 iunie 2014The transition from super-economy to a market economy has generated in agriculture and rural development of the Republic of Moldova, multiple issues of economic, social and health through environmental research estimates inherent in agriculture on pesticide poisoning and plant protection fertilizers and their direct influence across workers in Moldova.Процесс перехода централизованной экономики на рыночную в сельском хозяйстве и развитие сельских районов Республики Молдова вызвало множество проблем в экономической, социальной и медицинской сфере, которые были выявлены в ходе изучения сельскохозяйственного производства, интоксикаций ядохимикатами и средств защиты растений и их прямого влияния на работающих в Молдове